We provide

Peace of Mind

We offer you & your family the personal service, peace of mind & pleasant memories you deserve in your time of need.

Our History


Mr. John Stewart Lee who is the founder of Lee Funeral Home was born, raised, and educated in Nairobi – Kenya. In 1963, he travelled to the UK together with his parents. He later joined the main Police Force in 1964.

It was while working with the police that he was posted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge to work for the Coroner’s Office. In his new assignment, he dealt with Pathologists and Undertakers every single day and got to gain an understanding of how funeral homes operated.

He then came back to Kenya in 1968. At the time, the City Mortuary was the main facility being used in Nairobi. For a period of time, he worked at the City Mortuary and the holding room at Nairobi Hospital. This experience is what gave him the idea of opening up a similar facility, but with better services.

One fine day, he received a call from the late Sir Charles Njonjo, who was then Chairman of the Nairobi Hospital, and he asked Mr. Lee whether he would like to build a Funeral Parlor on the grounds of the Nairobi Hospital. The construction of Lee Funeral Home then started within the grounds of The Nairobi Hospital in 1987, and on 12th December 1988 their official opening coincided with Kenya’s Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Independence.

One of the core values of Lee Funeral Home is to give first-class quality service to the bereaved families, look after the deceased until the time or either cremation or internment, and generally offer support to the bereaved family.  

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